Frequently Asked Questions

How far in advance do I need to book?

It is always a good idea to meet with all potential suppliers as soon as you can. Mainly to secure your first preference. It does however help if you have a clear idea of your wedding dress style and the venue for the reception.

Are some flowers only available in certain months of the year?

Yes, there are many seasonal flowers. These include popular varieties such as David Austin Garden Roses, Peony Roses, Lissianthus, Cymbidium Orchids, Vanda Orchids. You can refer to our Flower Availability Chart for a more comprehensive outline.

Do I need a theme or a style for my wedding before we meet?

No, not at all. The creative team will make the process extremely easy whether you know exactly what you want or if you’d like some help with coming up with floral styling ideas.

Do you offer hire items?

We have an ever growing range of unique hire items, both custom commissioned, and sourced from all over the world. These include all the basics such as vaseware, candelabras and plinths, through to Chuppas and unique decorative items to help you style your venue.

Do You Travel for Weddings?

Yes. We have experience in successfully delivering large scale events nationally. Interstate locations we have serviced so far include Sydney, Adelaide, Tasmania and tropical islands in North Queensland.

Can you deliver my flowers on the day?

We are a ‘full-service’ florist. This means we can take care of every aspect of your flowers including set up, deliveries and transfers (enabling you to reuse the ceremony flowers at the reception, for example). We also pick up any hire items and can transfer reception flowers to family and friends the next day if you like.

Why do I need to have a consultation?

The consultation allows us to clearly interpret your dream wedding day and in turn provide a detailed and accurate quote for you. The process is completely dynamic as each and every wedding we create is completely bespoke.

How much do wedding flowers cost?

Bridal bouquets generally range from $165 to $250, bridesmaids bouquets from $120 to $180, corsages from $45 to $65, buttonholes are $15, and table centrepieces range from $80 to $350.

How do I organise my wedding flowers from overseas or interstate?

This presents no problem at all. Many of our brides are living overseas or interstate during the planning process. We meet with them via Skype or telephone initially and then catch up closer to the date to triple check they are happy with everything.

Is there a minimum budget for my wedding?

Our minimum spend requirement is $5,000.

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